At Penmoor we have worked hard to identify key values and development goals across our nursery through observations of the cohorts of children, conversations with staff, other professionals and parents as well as the statutory guidance set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2024. The 7 areas of learning as determined by the Early Years Foundation stage are broken into two sections. Prime areas and Specific areas.

The 3 prime areas are:

· Communication and language

· Personal, Social and Emotional Development

· Physical Development

The 4 specific areas are:

· Literacy

· Maths

· Understanding of the World

· Expressive Arts and Design

All 7 areas of learning underpin our daily provision.

To create a safe and happy environment where staff can work with families to meet the individual needs of the unique child. We endeavour to equip each child with the social skills and emotional resilience to prepare them for the next stages in their lives and to build their self-confidence and self-worth, so they can embrace life’s opportunities. In 2018 the Department for Education revealed that across Plymouth the speech and language levels for 5-year-olds was below the National average 1 in every 6 was found to be underperforming in this area. Developing confident and able speakers takes a prevalent place within our new curriculum. We recognise that even in 2023 The National Literacy Trust found that 1 in 5 children (19.2%) aged 5 to 8 reported not owning their own book. We know how valuable songs and stories are for language acquisition and development and so we ensure that stories and storytelling have a constant presence within our setting.

Throughout our curriculum we are mindful to underpin our values with enhancing our cultural capital and seeking to adhere to our British values. In our ever-shrinking world a love for others and acceptance of our differences is crucial to the happiness of all people, and we hope that our curriculum builds the foundation for raising understanding and caring adults.

We believe that all children should have the opportunity to experience fundamental things in the Early Years:

Using the EYFS and supporting Development matters document we will ensure that all children are achieving their developmental milestones accordingly and provide support alongside other agencies where the need for additional support is identified. We will build positive relationships with each child recognising them as the individual that they are, and supporting them to them to reach achievable next steps that will further their development. We will also forge these positive relationships with the children’s families and other agencies as we acknowledge that children are more likely to reach their full potential when supported by a strong network of people.

The environment will contain a variety of engaging and enriching activities that enables a child to explore and discover the world around them and stimulate their imaginations. Through self-reflective practice and the use of observations and getting to know their key children, staff will be able to measure the effectiveness of the environment they create.

Each child will have their own individual learning journey document that will go through their time at nursery and will collate artwork, observations, termly reports and wow moments to document their development. SMART targets will be created by their child’s keyworker in order to maximise each child’s full potential.

In each group we have organised the area into stations:

· Creation station

· Imagination Station

· Exploration Station

· Communication/regulation Station

· Sensation station

We believe that outdoor learning is as valuable as indoor learning, and these same opportunities present themselves in our outdoor environment also.

Each term across the nursery we have 1-2 subjects within which we ask ourselves questions we would like to explore with the children. These can be subject to change as the cohorts of children change as we acknowledge that children will have different interests and needs and our Curriculum should be reflective of this.

Subjects Academic Year 24-25

Children will leave the nursery confident in their own abilities, with a good understanding of how to create and maintain relationships with others as well as achieving their own personal development goals.

Ultimately, we have created ambitious long-term goals that we hope all children will achieve before they transition to a new setting or put simply “the things we hope they will learn before they go to school” are as follows:

For our younger children in yellow and green group we know that their time in these groups is vital for establishing the foundations of learning before they enter their last year before school. Therefore it is important for them to have a clear curriculum and learning goals for before they transition into our red and blue groups. Again put simply, before children leave green group we would like them to achieve the following: